Public Relations Content

This section features examples of public relations pieces, including press releases and photography by Michael Campbell during his career as the Coordinator of Communications and Public Relations for Prince George County Public Schools. These pieces were distributed to media partners across our region, featured on the school division's website, and social media.

Special Public Relations Projects

This section features examples of special public relations projects managed by Michael Campbell during his career as Coordinator of Communications and Public Relations for Prince George County Public Schools. These projects often involved multiple assets, including press releases, social media materials, photography and other content and were distributed to media partners and the greater community through the school division's communications channels.

Public Relations Features

This section features examples of public relations features created by Michael Campbell during his career as Coordinator of Communications and Public Relations for Prince George County Public Schools. These projects are typically designed in the form of "press-ready" materials featuring art assets and fully-written articles with quotes from relevant individuals. These pieces have been featured on the school division's websites, social media channels, and picked up by local media outlets for publication.